
Las Meninas

Original price was: 529.00$.Current price is: 264.50$.

None Silver frame gold
SKU: AIB17537 Category:


Painting Name: Las Meninas

Artist: Valesquez, Diego

Las Meninas, an iconic painting by the renowned Spanish Baroque artist Diego Velázquez, is one of the most celebrated works of art in history. The painting is a complex and multi-layered composition that has captivated viewers for centuries with its enigmatic symbolism and intricate details. It currently hangs in the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain, where it continues to draw thousands of visitors each day.

The painting depicts a scene from the royal court of King Philip IV of Spain and his daughter Infanta Margarita Teresa. The young princess stands in the center of the canvas surrounded by her maids-of-honor (las meninas) and various other figures from court life such as servants, attendants, and even a dog. In addition to Velázquez himself who appears at work on the far right side of the composition.

The composition itself is highly complex with intricate detail throughout that invites close scrutiny from viewers. One such detail is a large mirror on the back wall which reflects an image of King Philip IV and Queen Maria Anna, who are standing within view just outside the room depicted in Las Meninas. This suggests that they are being watched by those inside, either directly or indirectly through Velázquez’s painting—a concept known as “the gaze” which has been widely discussed among scholars since Las Meninas was first painted in 1656.

Another interesting detail is how Velázquez included himself within his own work without drawing attention away from his main subject—Princess Margarita Teresa herself—which has been seen as a subtle comment on both his own artistic abilities and his position at court (as he was appointed painter to King Philip IV shortly before Las Meninas was completed).

In terms of symbolism, much can be gleaned from examining Las Meninas beyond its literal meaning as a portrait depicting life at court during this period. The complexity and abundance of detail present throughout suggests many possible interpretations including ideas about class hierarchy and power structures within society as well as themes related to time since no single moment is depicted—rather it appears more like a snapshot into everyday life frozen forever on canvas.

Finally, there’s also an element of mystery surrounding Las Meninas that has kept viewers enthralled for centuries: what does it all mean? While many theories exist about its deeper symbolism there’s no definitive answer—but that hasn’t stopped people from trying to unravel this masterpiece’s secrets!

Overall, Diego Velázquez’s painting Las Meninas remains one of art history’s most celebrated works due to its complexity and enigmatic nature which continues to fascinate viewers today just as it did when it was first painted over 350 years ago!

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50 x 60, 50 x 50


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You're viewing: Las Meninas Original price was: 529.00$.Current price is: 264.50$.
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