
The Potato Eaters

Original price was: 529.00$.Current price is: 264.50$.

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Painting Name: The Potato Eaters

Artist: Vincent van Gogh

In 1885, Vincent van Gogh left the Netherlands for Paris in search of artistic inspiration. He found that inspiration in the work of the French Impressionists, who were painting scenes of everyday life.

One of the subjects that particularly intrigued him was the humble potato. In a letter to his brother Theo, he wrote: “I have been struck by the fact that many painters take potatoes as their subject.”

Van Gogh was inspired to paint his own version of a potato eater after seeing an etching by French artist Jean-François Millet titled “The Potato Eaters.” In Van Gogh’s painting, which he completed in 1885, a group of peasants is gathered around a table eating potatoes. The scene is lit by a lamp, and there is a sense of warmth and intimacy among the figures.

Despite its simple subject matter, “The Potato Eaters” is considered one of van Gogh’s most important paintings. It marks a turning point in his career, as it was his first painting to be completely devoid of any references to traditional art styles. Instead, it reveals van Gogh’s unique approach to depicting reality through color and light.

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You're viewing: The Potato Eaters Original price was: 529.00$.Current price is: 264.50$.
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